SRD Foundation teams up with Greene King Pubs


SRD Foundation teams up with Greene King to offer participants exciting employment opportunities! 

Salford Red Devils foundation have teamed up with Greene King pub group - who are currently building and developing the new pub at the AJ Bell Stadium.

This partnership will work in conjunction with the 'Big Hits' programme at The Foundation, which aims to improve participant employability whilst building new skills and knowledge.

Greene King have confirmed they will be holding their official recruitment day and interviews in the SRD Foundation facilities.

They have also offered exciting new employment opportunities for all 'Big Hits' course participants, allowing successful interviewees to gain emplyoment at the new Barley Farm pub.

Big Up Big Hits!

Contact Neil Blackburn for more information on 0161 786 1591 or and follow our Twitter @SRDFoundation for the latest news and updates.