Sky Try is all about helping more children enjoy Rugby League nationwide. It’s a ground-breaking new partnership initiative between the RFL, Sky and the Rugby League Foundations
Sky Try is the biggest ever programme of Rugby League opportunities in primary and secondary schools.
Sky Try is helping 700,000 more children and young people have fun, get active, grow in confidence and enjoy Rugby League.
Sky Try Primary
Delivery of rugby League in primary schools around selected community clubs and is focused on 8-9-year olds (Key Stage 2). Salford Red Devils deliver Sky Try to over 40 Primary schools through Salford with over 4000 individual participants. Each school receives a minimum of 5 weeks delivery with next step event such as a special assembly or a local festival. All primary school teachers in the Sky Try program are offered continuing professional development (CPD) to enable them to continue to promote Rugby League as a activity in their school.
Sky Try High School and Player Development
Delivery is aimed at increasing opportunities for secondary school boys to play Rugby League either for the first time or to assist in providing more regular opportunities. Delivery is aimed at mainly year 7 -9 boys. Sky Try offers CPD workshops for High school teachers and community coaches of U12-U14 to help players to succeed in Rugby League
Key figures 2019-2020
Over 3000 Year 1-4 individuals participating in Sky Try Sessions.
Over 2500 Year 7-9 individuals participating in Sky Try Sessions.
Over 30 teachers / coaches attending CPD.
Over 40 schools who have engaged in Sky Try.

For more information on how to get involved please contact Neil on 0161 631 5252 or